• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Modus operandi of fradulent transaction – Phishing Links

BySriram DC

Sep 23, 2021 #RBI

Phishing Links

Modus Operandi

  • Fraudsters create a third-party website which looks like existing genuine website, such as bank’s website or e-commerce website or search engine, etc.
  • These links are generally circulated by fraudsters through SMS / social media / email / Instant Messenger, etc.
  • Most of the time, customers enter secure credentials by just having a glance and clicking at the link but not checking the detailed URL.
  • The links are masked through authentic looking names of websites, but in reality, the customer gets redirected to phishing website.
  • When customers enter secure credentials on these websites, the same is captured and used by the fraudsters.



One should not click unknown links and should delete the SMS / email immediately to avoid accessing them in future. Care should be taken to verify the website details especially where it requires entering financial credentials.


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