• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Auction for Sale (issue/re-issue) of Government Security (GS)


Sep 13, 2022 #MOF

New Delhi, the 12th September, 2022

F. No. 4(3)-B(W&M)/2022.—Government of India (GoI) hereby notifies sale (issue/re-issue) of the
following Government Securities

Name of the
Date of Original
Date of
(in ₹ Crore)
6.69% GS 2024June 27, 202202-00-00June 27, 2024PriceUniform4,000
7.10% GS 2029Apr 18, 202207-00-00Apr 18, 2029PriceUniform7,000
7.26% GS 2032Aug 22, 202210-00-00Aug 22, 2032PriceUniform13,000
New GS 2062Sep 19, 202240-00-00Sep 19, 2062PriceMultiple9,000

GoI will have the option to retain additional subscription up to ₹2,000 Crore against each security mentioned above. The sale will be subject to the terms and conditions spelt out in this notification (called ‘Specific Notification’). The Securities will be sold through Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Office, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001 as per the terms and conditions specified in the General Notification F.No.4(2)– W&M/2018, dated March 27, 2018 issued by Government of India.

Allotment to Non-competitive Bidders

  1. 2. The Government Security up to 5% of the notified amount of the sale will be allotted to eligible individuals and institutions as per the enclosed Scheme for Non-competitive Bidding Facility in the Auctions of Government Securities (Annex).

To Read More….
Click the link below….

Notification : https://www.dropbox.com/s/d76rs8ljm23cjnr/Auction%20for%20Sale.pdf?dl=0

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