• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Modus operandi of fraudulent transaction – ATM card skimming


Dec 7, 2021 #RBI

Modus Operandi :

It has been observed that fraudsters install skimming devices in ATM machines& steal data from your card.

PIN is also captured by installing dummy keypad, small / pinhole camera which is well-hidden from plain sight.

Sometimes, fraudsters pretend to be other customers standing near-by and gain access to your PIN while you enter it.

This data is then used to create duplicate card and withdraw amount from customer’s account.

Precaution :

Verify to ensure that there is no extra device attached near card insertion slot or keypad of ATM machine while making transaction.

Cover the keypad with your hand while entering your PIN.

Do NOT enter the PIN in the presence of any other person standing close to you or share the card with anyone.

Source File :


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