• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Modus Operandi of fraudulent transaction – Vishing calls

BySriram DC

Sep 30, 2021 #RBI

Vishing Calls

Modus Operandi

  • Imposters call or approach the customers through telephone call / social media as bankers / company executives / insurance agents / government officials, etc., and seek confirmation of the secure credentials by sharing few details such as name or date of birth to gain confidence.


  • In some cases, the imposters pressurize / trick customers into urgently / immediately sharing confidential details citing emergency, details required to block transaction, payment required to stop penalty, get attractive discount, etc. These credentials are then used to defraud the customers.



Bank officials / financial institutions / any genuine entity never ask customers to share confidential information such as username / password / card details / CVV / OTP.

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